
Apple patent: Space age batteries to come via Liquidmetal?

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Liquidmetal. Sounds the name of the next Will Smith futuristic scifi action movie, doesn’t it? But it’s actually real, and Apple has gotten its first patent using it.
Liquidmetal is an amorphous metal alloy (or “metallic glass”) that in one state, looks like liquid mercury or the slick stuff the T-1000 (Robert Patrick) regularly dissolved into in Terminator 2. But in another, it’s a hard but extremely lightweight and incredibly strong, scratch-proof material. According to NASA, Liquidmetal is “poised to redefine materials science as we know it in the 21st century.” (That sounds pretty scifi to me.)
Some experts thought Apple might be looking to jazz up the exterior of its iOS devices or maybe inject some future tech into its antenna design using this, but in the end, the patent references using Liquidmetal for fuel cells.
Apple has long been rumored to be exploring fuel cell technology (especially for its old Powerbook line), so in some circles, the appearance of this patent is pretty exciting news. And last year, the company made an exclusive deal to use Liquidmetal, but it hadn’t really gone anywhere until now. The patent describes using Liquidmetal plates to generate electricity by acting as a catalyst in chemical reactions that separate electrons from hydrogen. That might sound kind of scary to the layperson, but the byproducts are just water and heat, making for an extremely clean process.

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No wonder fuel cells are a very “in” technology these days. They’re not only eco-friendly (unlike current mobile batteries), but they’re also cheap and incredibly efficient.
Chemistry, blah blah, so unsexy, right? WRONG. This is some crazy cool stuff. Imagine being able to let your phone languish for a month without charging, or running your laptop for nearly a whole day on its own power. There are even bigger ones that can run buildings.http://www.bestlaptopbattery.co.uk/toshiba/pa3399u-1brs.htm
So why aren’t fuel cells more prevalent? Well, a lot of companies are waiting for the day that safe, reliable ones can be manufactured with materials that have a longevity span of several years. With Liquidmetal’s durable and corrosion-proof characteristics, that day might be coming soon. And hopefully, it will be in our ridiculously long-life iPhone 5s or 6s.
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