
Four surprises for iPad 2

Pricing, storage, FaceTime, date, Four iPad 2 surprises
For every wow factor the iPad 2 brings with it, there’s at least one disappointment coming, even as some of those letdowns are bound to be based on misperception or misunderstanding on the part of the consumer rather than anything Apple could have done differently. Here are the top four surprises coming for the less-informed among those looking forward to Apple’s next generation touch screen tablet known as the iPad 2.
Spec me: While various of the iPad’s technical specs are set to improve with the iPad 2, don’t assume it’ll come with 128 GB of storage on the high end. Apple has yet to prove it can get that much flash memory into any of its iDevices (MacBook Air doesn’t count), with factors such as pricing, availability, and even physical size coming into play. Like the iPad before it, the iPad 2 could be stuck at 64 GB.
FacePalm me: That’s how we’ll continue to refer to Apple’s “FaceTime” video phone call technology until is begins working over cellular networks instead of merely on wifi. That means that even if you buy a 3G iPad 2, and even if it does come with a front facing camera as expected, you’ll still only be able to do FaceTime when you’re within range of wifi. In other words, at home, at Starbucks, or at a hotel.

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Price me: Some observers were expecting the original iPad to debut at as much as $1000 before it stunningly arrived at half that much. As such, with the iPad already at bargain pricing by Apple’s standards, don’t expect iPad 2 to automatically get cheaper. One option would be for the iPad 2 to debut at the same $499 and up pricing, but the original iPad to stick around with a lower price tag.
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